Creative Teams
We believe that creativity is a key attribute of beings made in the image of God. What we do with that creativity shows the object of our worship! At PHC, our Creative Teams encompass the following areas of ministry:
- Music (songwriting, recording, leaders, vocalists, musicians, worship teams)
- Media (video creation, media production, online distribution)
- Tech (a/v production, live & recorded environments, campuses)
- Comms (social media, design, marketing, layout, copy, platforms)

PHC Music
Our Music Ministry strives to make an impact in the culture of our world through a number of creative outlets and expressions. From our developing recording structure and studio (CRTV Studios), songwriting teams, video media creations, to weekend services, and ongoing events, we are focused on building a community or artists and creatives that can inspire our community.
Our weekend services model a collective leadership style that exists to create and develop a consistent and relevant environment where people are able to learn about and engage in a purposed and passionate worship experience of our God.
We believe in serving the church by using our gifts and talents for God, and by being intentional in building environments where we can create, inspire those around us, lead with intentionality and purpose, and invite people to step in and join the mission!
Ministry Leader: Brenna Pavkov, Pastor
Brenna is one of our primary worship leaders at Pure Heart Church, giving key leadership to our vocal teams, our Next Gen music ministry, music lessons, and songwriting across the music ministry.
Ministry Leader: Alex Friend, Director
Alex is a key leader for our music ministry at Pure Heart Church and serves as the lead Music Director for the team, providing point leadership for the band team, heart crew, and weekend services at our Central Campus in Glendale.

PHC Media
We are told in scripture how powerful it is to share our stories and communicate what God is doing through his church! With the resources we have today in video creation and media production, we are able to share testimonies, messages, music, worship experiences and so much more in powerful ways. This form of storytelling is one of the most compelling avenues for communicating the Gospel in our world.
With video capture, digital animation, editing and production, we are able to reach people in exciting new ways! Our Online Campus, live gatherings, and social media avenues give us incredible spaces to create and share through this ministry.
Ministry Leader: Matt Nystrom, Pastor
Matt serves as the ministry leader for PHC Media as well as the Campus Pastor for our Online Campus. He gives point leadership for our media arts ministry across all of our campuses.

PHC Tech
The Tech Arts Ministry at PHC is a vital partner in creating space where people connect with God. Our Tech team assists the worship and pastoral teams in the creation of church gatherings and online experiences to lead people into the presence of God, where they hear the Word of God, and are changed.
As PHC has continued to grow in our online and physical campuses, many opportunities have been created for you to serve. These opportunities include live production in audio, video, lighting, media presentation and directing the tech team. While experience is not required in all areas, we are looking for individuals that can think on their feet, are comfortable with multitasking, and have a teachable attitude.
We invite you to be an important part of our growing team and build relationships with others through serving.
Ministry Leader: Alex McBride, Pastor
Alex gives pastoral leadership to our PHC Tech Team and provides point leadership for this key ministry across our Central campus.

PHC Comms
As we create spaces across our community and grow in our reach, we desire to be innovative in the ways we share what is happening at PHC and how people can connect to what God is doing here. We do this through graphic design, layout design, social media, and a variety of different communication platforms.
We strive to communicate with excellence and continue to cultivate a creative space for artists and designers that desire to make an impact for the Kingdom!
Ministry Leader: Jill Blackman, Director
Jill serves as the Communications Director for Pure Heart Church. She gives point leadership to our online and in person communications, social media platforms, photography, and graphics, as well as giving overarching directions to our Comms Ministry across all campuses.